Revised Transportation Demand Management Study
The DDA initiated the TDM report to support changes for parking and direct more attention to mobility. Over the past four years, we have improved old parking management processes to align with new practices by implementing quick wins. Here are a few of the changes that have occurred in order to prepare for future changes: 1) discontinue buy in bulk parking discounts for quarterly and annual permits and only offer monthly permits, 2) decouple surface and garage parking for parking permits, 3) create seasonal meter and garage parking rates, and 4) create zone based pricing for low and high parking demand areas.
In addition to implementing changes to how we manage and charge for parking, we have focused on investing more in public transportation and mobility amenities. We have budgeted and allocated parking funds to transit: 1) contribution to BATA’s Bayline Route, 2) implement Destination Downtown program which provides downtown employees with free bus passes, and 3) purchase bus shelters. The pandemic impacted transit across America and ridership overall was down. However, in meeting with BATA, ridership is growing, and they are working on a campaign to increase personnel to restore their route frequencies. In addition to transit, we have allocated parking funds to provide amenities to those biking in downtown: 1) erect bike shelters, 2) purchase more bike fix-it-stations, and 3) add on-sidewalk and in-street bike racks.
The incremental changes that we have made have positioned us for the changes to come. We know that surface parking is limited along with the time for which surface parking will exist. The potential elimination of parking lots G, O, A and more will require the community to adapt to moving away from single occupancy vehicles and to other modes of getting downtown. The revised TDM study will assist with the next five years. This new phase will focus on updating and modifying long-term goals in the next plan to include, but not limited to: parking fees, commuter parking options, curbside management and last mile mobility initiatives.
Transportation Demand Management Study Final Report
Click the links below to view the TDM reports and appedices.
3 Year Transportation Demand Management Work Plan 2021
Each year, the 3 year plan is updated based on implementing objectives that are relevant to the needs of the downtown area. Click the links below to view the most recent plan adopted by the DDA Board.