The Traverse City Police Department Reserve Unit was formed in September 1984 and currently consists of 6 reserve officers.
The current Reserve Unit consists of the following members:
Reserve Police Lieutenant = 1
Reserve Sergeant = 1
Reserve Officers = 4
The Reserve Unit is instrumental in assisting our sworn police officers with the force necessary to provide safety and security during many special events held in our city. These events continue to grow in size and in number. For example, the National Cherry Festival annually draws approximately 250,000 people to our city which normally accommodates 25,000 residents. The reserves officers provide support services consisting of foot patrol, vehicle patrol (with a sworn officer), and security for charity and special events.
Before becoming a Traverse City Police Reserve you must go through an application process which includes a background investigation, psychological profile, and a physical fitness test. You then participate in a two-year probationary program during which time you are trained in all aspects of Law Enforcement. Training occurs once a month and on several Saturdays. You will need to have knowledge of the Traverse City Police Departments' policy and procedures prior to completing the program. Upon completion, you will need to complete a CPL course and demonstrate proficiency in the weapon prior to carrying a firearm while volunteering as a Police Reserve Officer.
The reserve officers are equipped with many of the same tools and go through much of the same training as sworn officers. Non-probationary reserve officers wear the same Class A uniform issued to sworn officers with the exception of the badge and a rocker patch on the left shoulder above the department’s patch that signifies “Reserve”.
The reserve officers meet and train once a month at mandatory meetings after completion of their probationary training program.
For inquiries on how to become a reserve, please contact Chief Mathew Richmond (231) 995-5159 or email at