The primary responsibility of the Traverse City Detective Bureau, in cooperation with our community and in coordination with other agencies, is to conduct follow-up investigations initiated by the patrol division and ensure a complete investigation is presented to the prosecutor’s office for prosecution of criminal activity within the City of Traverse City.  

The Detective Bureau is comprised of a Captain, four Detectives, two School Resource Officers, and a narcotics Officer.  The Detectives are specialized and receive extensive, in-depth training in dealing with specific types of crime.  Detectives are on a rotating on-call schedule and if necessary respond day or night directly to a crime scene to assist the Patrol Division during their initial investigation.

Detective – White Collar Crimes 

Detective Evan Warsecke has been assigned to the Detective Bureau since 2013.  Detective Warsecke specializes in nonviolent crimes committed by legal or illegal business entities or individuals to gain a personal or business advantage.  Detective Warsecke acts as a liaison between the Traverse City Police Department and The Bank and Securities Association.

Detective – Cyber Crimes/Technical Support

Detective Matt Verschaeve has been assigned to the Detective Bureau since 2014.  Detective Verschaeve specializes in investigating crimes involving the use of a computer or the internet.  Is responsible for providing technical support for ongoing investigations and the prevention of criminal activity by deploying and monitoring department surveillance systems.  Detective Verschaeve is a certified mobile forensic examiner and is responsible for all forensic examinations on cell phones collected as evidence through the department’s investigations.  Detective Verschaeve is a member of the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force which is a multi-jurisdictional effort targeting those who exploit children using today’s technology such as computers and the internet.

Detective – Violent Crimes  

Detective Joe Soffredine was promoted to Detective in 2019.  Detective Soffredine specializes in investigating crimes that are violent or assaultive.  Detective Soffredine is a child forensic interviewer and a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) member with the Traverse Bay Children’s Advocacy Center which is dedicated to the identification, treatment, awareness, and prevention of the sexual and physical abuse of children.

Detective – Property and Public Order Crimes 

Detective Tim Smith was promoted to Detective in 2019.  Detective Smith specializes in investigating crimes involving theft or damage to property.  Is also responsible for activities that are contrary to public values and morals, which if not investigated may create an environment inducive to criminal activity.  Detective Smith also works directly with the Michigan Liquor Control Commission and Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency in making sure that all liquor and marijuana establishments comply with state law and city ordinances.